The Bill Cosby Case: Insights from a Personal Injury Trial Attorney
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Spencer Kuvin Says He Will Pursue Cosby in Civil Court Case Following Prison Sentencing

Bill Cosby after being found guilty in criminal trial

Spencer T. Kuvin, Esq.In the wake of former actor and comedian, Bill Cosby, being sentenced 3 to 10 years in a state prison for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand, there are still many unanswered questions for dozens of other victims.

Personal Injury Trial Attorney Spencer T. Kuvin, Esq. of the Law Offices of Craig Goldenfarb, P.A. in West Palm Beach, Florida, represents Chloe Goins, a former model who is also pursuing Cosby in civil courts for an assault that took place at the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles some years back.

Bill Cosby in Civil Court Case

Commenting on the current sentencing with CBS12 News, Mr. Kuvin stated, “In the grand scheme of things, we would’ve loved for him to be put behind bars for 10 years.” He went on to elaborate on how our firm can now move forward with Ms. Goins’ civil case, now that the criminal sentencing has concluded.

“I certainly think that the sentence today has a significant effect on ultimately our civil case going forward,” Mr. Kuvin said.

Chloe Goins says that she met Cosby at the Playboy Mansion almost a decade ago, just before Cosby laced her drink with some unknown drug and sexually molested her. Mr. Kuvin says that Ms. Goins was looking forward to Cosby’s sentencing, and was obviously pleased that justice was served. It was at the Judge’s discretion whether to sentence Cosby to mere house arrest or prision time, and he chose prison.

“Now I believe we would be able to go to a jury out in California and say to them this is a convicted sexual predator. That, I think, significantly helps our case,” Mr. Kuvin says.

Cosby, who was convicted at trial in April of aggravated indecent assault, will be classified as a “sexually violent predator,” which requires a lifetime registration and mandatory counseling. Goins is one of at least 44 other women who claim Cosby assaulted them.

Mr. Kuvin hopes the Goins case against Cosby will go to trial sometime next year, however even if it takes longer or if Cosby were to pass away in custody, she could still potentially collect money from the Cosby estate.

Victim of Sexual Assault from a Celebrity or High-Profile Figure?

Sexual Assault is a very serious crime. If you’ve been a victim of unwanted sexual assault or battery from a powerful, famous, or otherwise high-profile individual, don’t be afraid – you deserve to be heard, and you deserve the support of an experienced legal team. It is not your fault. Our attorneys can help.

We offer a 100% free, 100% confidential case consultation with Mr. Kuvin. You may be entitled to compensation for your emotional suffering and other injuries.

Our lawyers will visit you anywhere in the U.S., discretely and quickly. For a faster response, fill out the simple form below with basic details. Your privacy is our primary concern. Therefore, you do not need to include details such as who the perpetrator is. You may keep your anonymity by using “Jane” or “John Doe” as a name. The most important things we need are a detailed description of what happened, and your phone number.

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