Eric Tarmey Sudden Death: Tragic Accident in West Palm Beach
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The Wrongful Death of Eric Tarmey in West Palm Beach

Wrongful Death of Eric Tarmey

Eric Tarmey was killed on Friday night, February 3rd 2017 when his vehicle collided with another vehicle, likely because the vehicle that caused the crash was speeding.

Police reports indicate that the second vehicle was traveling northbound on Military Trail in West Palm Beach when it hit Mr. Tarmey’s 2010 Volkswagen in the side. Mr. Tarmey was likely making a left-hand turn from the southbound turn lane on Military Trail and Community Drive in West Palm Beach.

The fatal crash happened just before 10:00 p.m. in the evening.

Who is at fault?

Media reports indicate that the crash happened at the corner of Community Drive and Military Trail in suburban West Palm, about a half-mile north of Okeechobee Blvd, just outside the entrance to Keiser University.

The second vehicle was driven by Kevin D. Brown, Jr., a 24-year old man in a 2010 Nissan. Mr. Brown was in the northbound lane of Military. If he was speeding excessively, that would mean that he is at fault for the crash that killed Eric Tarmey. Under those circumstances, Mr. Tarmey’s family have a legal right under Florida law to file a wrongful death claim against Mr. Brown’s insurance company.

Only a police report, which are not available to the public and may not be available at all for several weeks because of the fatality of Mr. Tarmey, determines who was at fault.

The tremendous loss of life for the Tarmey family

The Tarmey family have lost a son – an unspeakable devastation. Mr. Tarmey had a full life ahead of him at only 23 years-old. He was a dedicated student at Keiser University, and an active and excellent athlete.

The lost economic and emotional damages of this fatal crash have caused tremendous psychological harm to the Tarmey family, including any surviving parents and siblings.

If you or a loved one has suffered the loss of a close family member in a car crash such as this one, you have rights. You have a right to collect auto insurance proceeds for the untimely and negligent death of your loved one.

Call our office today for a free consultation with personal injury lawyer Craig Goldenfarb, Esq.