Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking tragedy
Nearly 200 names connected to the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking tragedy are expected to be released by a New York judge this week, exposing or confirming the identities of dozens of associates of the disgraced billionaire. Until now, these individuals have only been known as “John and Jane Doe” in court documents.
GOLDLAW’s Chief Legal Officer, Spencer Kuvin, who has represented Epstein victims since 2007 calls the release of the names “a big step forward in reaching justice for his clients.”
In an interview with WPTV
Kuvin said “This entire case since 2008 has been frustrating for my clients,” and that the case was never just about Epstein.
“It’s always been about a group of associates that allowed this to happen that instigated some of the recruitment in the process and also played a part in the abuse. Allow the public to see just who was involved,” Kuvin said.
With the release of the names imminent, Kuvin said it’s a victory his clients have fought hard to achieve, although he stresses the importance of context. While he and his clients know not every name that will come out is guilty of a crime, they believe this is a step towards transparency and accountability.
Click here to see the entire interview with WPTV Reporter Kate Hussey.