Hoops4Heroes Basketball Tournament Raises Money
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Hoops4Heroes Basketball Tournament Raises Thousands for Wounded Warrior Project

Hoops4Heroes Basketball Tournament

We’ve reached the conclusion of the first annual Hoops4Heroes 3ON3 Basketball tournament, which saw a total of $4,341 raised for wounded veterans who are in need of housing, education, meals, medical treatment, and much more. Hoops4Heroes accepted donations from players, teams, and the friends and family of the event’s organizers and participants, and 100% of the proceeds went to the Wounded Warrior Project.

Here at the Law Offices of Craig Goldenfarb, P.A., we are tremendously proud to have made this event possible. As the sole corporate sponsor and underwriter of the event, our firm covered all costs to allow the full proceeds to benefit combat veterans. Attorney Goldenfarb said, “We [the organizers] have been kicking around the idea of doing something for veterans for a long time. This year was finally the year we did it.”

The tourney took place on Sunday, November 9th at the Palm Beach Atlantic University, falling just two days shy of Veteran’s Day, and was the brainchild of our very own Tom Copeland, Marketing Director at our firm. Copeland said he had the idea for the tournament while playing basketball with Goldenfarb and his adult men’s league.

After researching local basketball tournaments, he found that there wasn’t currently one held in West Palm Beach.

“The ‘Proud Supporter’ platform that Wounded Warriors has created allows anyone who is passionate and committed enough to organize their own sports-related fundraiser, and just go do it. A basketball tournament is unique because it hasn’t been done here before, and I knew it would raise a lot of attention”, says Copeland.

With the help of a few key volunteers, Copeland organized and promoted the event. He partnered with the men’s basketball team and athletic staff at Palm Beach Atlantic University, as well as the staff of ESPN West Palm. ESPN West Palm was generous enough to donate advertising space and promotion of the event, in addition to their time.

Twelve teams registered for the tournament, which added up to a total of 48 players.

The teams each donated a minimum of $60 in the form of a registration fee, and then played in front of more than 200 spectators. The winning team was “Battiers Not Included,” and they took home individual medals along with a beautiful engraved trophy.

The Law Offices of Craig Goldenfarb, P.A. would like to especially thank Thomas Roush of Roush Spine in Lantana and Backsaver LLC’s Dr. Christopher White for their particularly generous donations in the name of Hoops4Heroes.