Stay Safe on Your Bike: The Importance of Motorcycle Safety
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Get the Message, Get Safe Motorcycle Safety Campaign Launches

Motorcycle Safety Campaign Launches

We won’t bore you with the usual mantras about wearing helmets and speeding less. We are all adults, and we all make our own choices. It’s unlikely that those choices can be swayed by a public service announcement from a law firm.

For Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month this year, we have been on social media doing something a little different.

We are spreading facts and statistics that we hope will simply nudge you to think about how safe you are on your bike, and if you can make small chances in your riding behavior that could one day save your life.

A few of the ads below were designed to do just that.

Motorcycle accident statistics are not as well-tracked as motor vehicle accident statistics. In fact, the last time the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles released updated motorcycle accidents stats was put out updated figures was in 2011. So in that regard, they are sort-of “hidden”, and we want to bring them to your attention.

Our Facebook ad campaign, Get the Message, Get Safe has been delivering graphics to motorcycle riders with hidden messages that you might not see if you don’t look closely.

If you see the ads on Facebook this month, be sure to “like” them!

Here are additional motorcycle safety resources:

Motorcycles are rarely at-fault
Motorcycle helmet law stats
Motorcycle accident crash stats