Family of Antwan Wellons may have case for Wrongful Death Claim Family of Antwan Wellons may have case for Wrongful Death Claim
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Family of Antwan Wellons may have case for Wrongful Death Claim

Antwan Wellons, Dominic Daniels, GOLDLAW, Adam Grocery, West palm Beach, Riviera Beach, Daquinn Maberry, Terrance McMillian, murder, wrongful death, negligent security, duty of care, breach of duty

The family of Antwan Wellons may have a case for a wrongful death claim, after a jury in West Palm Beach found his two assailants guilty of first-degree murder.

On Tuesday, October 22, Daquinn Maberry and Terrance McMillian were convicted in the fatal shooting of Wellons outside Adam Grocery on North Tamarind Avenue in West Palm Beach. The two men were also found guilty of attempted murder in the wounding of Dominic Daniels in the same incident. Circuit Judge Caroline Shepherd deferred sentencing and scheduled a status hearing for December.

Antwan Wellons and Dominic Daniels were targeted, police say

According to West Palm Beach police, Maberry and McMillian targeted Wellons and Daniels outside the grocery store on May 10, 2022, and began firing at them with an AK-47-style rifle and handgun. According to the arrest report, one of the gunmen exited a vehicle parked in front of Adam Grocery and began firing the rifle, while the other defendant fired a pistol out of the rear passenger window.

Authorities tracked the vehicle to Riviera Beach, and began conducting surveillance on the car and a nearby residence. According to reports, a man identified as Terrance McMillian exited the residence and began to run. A West Palm Beach Police Sergeant gave chase and detained him.

At the same time, the vehicle sped away from the residence, with police in pursuit. The car eventually crashed into another vehicle. Daquinn Maberry attempted to run from the accident but was immediately caught by authorities.

Search of residence produces DNA Evidence

After obtaining a search warrant to search the Riviera Beach residence, detectives recovered several items, including a sweatshirt worn by one of the gunmen, and fingerprints that were recovered from the vehicle.

Antwan Wellons died due to multiple gunshot wounds

Following the attack, Antwan Wellons was found along the 2100 block of Tamarind Avenue, near Lincoln Road. He was transported to St. Mary’s Medical Center by first responders where he later died. Dominic Daniels drove himself to the hospital where he received treatment for his wounds.

Did Negligent Security play a role in this shooting?

We won’t know until the investigation is complete, but in Florida, one thing is for sure: laws require property owners to take reasonable steps to protect guests/customers from foreseeable dangers. For example, if a property owner knows that there is a high crime rate in the area, they may be required to install security cameras or hire security guards. If a crime does occur on the property, the victim and/or victim’s family may be able to sue the property owner for negligent security.

Duty of Care is Paramount

A property owner or occupier has a duty to take reasonable measures, and not breach their duty, to ensure the safety of those legally permitted to be on their premises. This duty is typically highest for invitees, which includes people like customers or patients, but also extends to licensees, such as delivery people or repairmen, and in some cases, even trespassers.

What is “Breach of Duty?”

A breach of duty occurs when the property owner fails to take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of those on their premises and someone is injured. For example, if there is known criminal activity in the area and the property owner does not take steps to address it, this could be considered a breach of duty if someone is subsequently attacked on the property.

Injured due to someone else’s Negligence? GOLDLAW has the Experience you need!

If you or somebody you care about has sustained an injury caused by the negligent actions of a property owner, we encourage you to reach out to a GOLDLAW attorney as soon as possible At GOLDLAW, we have a deep understanding of Florida personal injury law, and we know what it takes to secure compensation for a premises liability and negligent security claim. 

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