COVID19 Nursing Home Cases in Florida
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COVID19 Cases Involving Florida’s Nursing Homes

Florida’s Nursing Homes COVID19 Cases

We are outraged over the recent news that as many as 50% of COVID19-related deaths in Florida have occurred among Florida’s elders populated at the hands of nursing home and assisted living facilities. Inactions and poor-decision making by management of these massive for-profit entities that run Florida’s nursing care industry are directly responsible for these deaths, and these bad actors must be held accountable for their indiscretions and total lack of even basic precautions to prevent the spread of the novel and deadly virus within their facilities. As a result of their negligence.

We are opening our COVID19 Nursing Home Abuse practice.

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed or passed away due to COVID19 infection contracted while working in or living within a nursing home or assisted living facility, please contact us right away.