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Five Common Causes of West Palm Beach Car Accidents

Common Causes of Car Accidents in West Palm Beach Florida Nationwide, there are five driver behaviors that cause the majority of car accidents. These are: Speeding Distracted Driving Drunk Driving Aggressive Driving Driver Fatigue Speeding When a driver is speeding, his ability to approach and adjust to curves or objects in the road is…

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Drugged Driving: It’s Not What You Think

Drugged Driving may lead to car accidents In May 2010, 51-year-old Odette Kane and her father, Robert Kane, went out to pick up a family dinner. They never returned. On their way home, they were involved in a Boca Raton car crash. Twenty-six-year-old Angela Stracar was high on oxycodone, alprazolam, alcohol, and THC. She…

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Do You Have Enough Insurance to Cover Your Car Accident Costs?

 Car Accident Insurance Costs in West Palm Beach When you bought your car insurance, you probably searched the internet or called several insurance agents and chose to buy the insurance that was offered at the lowest price. This is what most people do. Money is tight, so we look for a good deal. But,…

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Distraction and Pedestrian Accidents

Learn about Pedestrian Accidents: Causes and Liability Experienced injury lawyers in West Palm Beach (and elsewhere in Florida) often spend a fair amount of time identifying the root causes of pedestrian accidents. Whether an elders driver hit you while you were crossing at a crosswalk, or you experienced a catastrophic, nearly life-ending injury when…

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Distracted Driving: Statistics Are Only Part of The Story

Statistics for distracted driving accidents across the United States As I write about distracted driving accidents, I find it hard to get a good statistics for the number of crashes and fatalities attributed to distracted driving. Estimates of the percentage of fatal crashes involving distracted drivers range from 10% to 80%. How serious of…

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Child Passenger Safety Week: Is Your Car Seat Installed Correctly?

Importance of Child Passenger Safety September 18-24 has been designated National Child Passenger Safety Week. Is your child safe in his car seat? You may be a surprised. A recent study has found that many car seats are not properly installed. Last week, Safe Kids USA released the results of a study based on…

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Aggressive Drivers: Danger on West Palm Beach Highways

Aggressive Drivers may lead to car accidents We’ve all been annoyed by aggressive drivers: the drivers that refuse to yield, follow too closely, make dangerous lane changes, pass on the wrong side, or run red lights as they hurry to get to their destination. But these drivers are more than annoying; they are a…

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PIP Rates Increase, Despite Reform

The Impact of PIP Rate Increases on Auto Insurance Rates Could you be affected by the PIP rate increases in 2013? That will be the reality for many insured drivers in Florida. After reviewing the first round of filings submitted by insurers to the state’s Office of Insurance Regulation it appears most are increasing…

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How Much Does The Average Car Accident Cost?

Unveiling the Average Car Accident Cost: A Closer Look The costs of a car accident often go well beyond what it takes to repair your car or the cost of being treated in a hospital emergency room. Depending on the severity of the accident, where it takes place, lost wages, and potential increases in…

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