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Think Ahead with These 7 Hurricane Preparedness Tips

Hurricane Preparedness Tips Each hurricane season, we face the possibility that a powerful hurricane will strike Palm Beach County. Hurricanes are not something we can control. But we can be prepared for the worst, by planning in advance. One of the most important steps you can take is to stock up on supplies for…

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PIP Rates Increase, Despite Reform

The Impact of PIP Rate Increases on Auto Insurance Rates Could you be affected by the PIP rate increases in 2013? That will be the reality for many insured drivers in Florida. After reviewing the first round of filings submitted by insurers to the state’s Office of Insurance Regulation it appears most are increasing…

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A Florida Nursing Home Attorney Catalogues The “Red Flags” of Neglect

Red Flags: How to Recognize Nursing Home Neglect When is it time to finally connect with a Florida nursing home attorney? This is a simple question with serious ramifications. If you suspect that a beloved senior has been victimized at his or her nursing home, what signs would confirm your diagnosis? Fortunately, you need…

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Florida Liability Lawyer Explodes Three Myths about Falls

Florida Liability Lawyer: Debunking Slip-and-Fall Myths A good West Palm Beach personal injury lawyer should seek to educate people about premises liability law in Florida. Many people are confused: how might slip-and-fall law apply to your situation? In this essay, we will consider three widely believed myths about Florida slip-and-fall accidents and help you…

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Florida Malpractice Attorney: Can You “Self-Diagnose” Malpractice?

How a West Palm Beach Malpractice Attorney Can Help You A West Palm Beach malpractice attorney can provide tools, investigative resources, and experience to help patients and their families determine whether malpractice has occurred. But do you really need a lawyer to make this assessment? Can you “self-diagnose” Florida malpractice and handle your situation…

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Examples of Pedestrian Accidents

A typical injury lawyer in West Palm Beach is bombarded with horrific tales of pedestrian accidents on a regular basis. What are some common situations in which pedestrians find themselves threatened and injured? What can you to do protect yourself? 3 Common Pedestrian Accident Scenarios in West Palm Beach (and Elsewhere) Intersection/Crosswalk Mayhem Whenever…

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Bad Batteries in AEDs Linked To Heart Attack Deaths

AEDs and Heart Attack: How Battery Failure Can Cost Lives If you suffer a heart attack in a public place, an AED may be the best chance of saving your life. But, what if the AED has no batteries? A new study of 1,150 deaths related to AED failure has found than almost one-quarter…

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How Much Does The Average Car Accident Cost?

Unveiling the Average Car Accident Cost: A Closer Look The costs of a car accident often go well beyond what it takes to repair your car or the cost of being treated in a hospital emergency room. Depending on the severity of the accident, where it takes place, lost wages, and potential increases in…

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