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Examples of Pedestrian Accidents

A typical injury lawyer in West Palm Beach is bombarded with horrific tales of pedestrian accidents on a regular basis. What are some common situations in which pedestrians find themselves threatened and injured? What can you to do protect yourself? 3 Common Pedestrian Accident Scenarios in West Palm Beach (and Elsewhere) Intersection/Crosswalk Mayhem Whenever…

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Bad Batteries in AEDs Linked To Heart Attack Deaths

AEDs and Heart Attack: How Battery Failure Can Cost Lives If you suffer a heart attack in a public place, an AED may be the best chance of saving your life. But, what if the AED has no batteries? A new study of 1,150 deaths related to AED failure has found than almost one-quarter…

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How Much Does The Average Car Accident Cost?

Unveiling the Average Car Accident Cost: A Closer Look The costs of a car accident often go well beyond what it takes to repair your car or the cost of being treated in a hospital emergency room. Depending on the severity of the accident, where it takes place, lost wages, and potential increases in…

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