Michelle Winfree
Michelle Winfree left us a great review about our friendly staff.
Michelle Winfree left us a great review about our friendly staff.
Susan Newall gave us a glowing review. Read more here.
Amsais Mozar left us a great review about our service.
Debbie Knight complimented us on our professionalism in this fantastic review.
Essential Tips for Parents to Prevent Drowning in Summer: Summer is nearly here in Florida. For many families, summertime is a relaxing time. But for others, it’s a reminder that the dangers of childhood drownings and near-drownings are all too real. According to the Florida Department of Health, Florida experiences the highest rate of…
West Palm Beach Law Firm Sues Bill Cosby The embattled comedian’s legal troubles continue with a new sexual battery lawsuit filed in California state court by local law firm; lawsuit names Hugh Hefner as a co-Defendant. WEST PALM BEACH (5/18/16) — Personal injury lawyer Spencer Kuvin of the Law Offices of Craig Goldenfarb, P.A….
Emanuel McMiller Scholarship for Higher Education For Immediate Release – 3/9/2016 (West Palm Beach) – Craig Goldenfarb, personal injury lawyer in West Palm Beach and owner of the Law Offices of Craig Goldenfarb, P.A., is pleased to announce the establishment of the Emanuel McMiller Scholarship for Higher Education, which will be awarded to inner-city…
Florida’s Dram Shop Liability Laws Dram shop liability laws exist in nearly every state, and are an important part of many DUI accident claims. In this blog, our West Palm Beach auto accident attorneys take a look at Florida’s dram shop liability laws, which differ from those in many other states. Injured in a…
Kimberly Love wrote this wonderful five star review after her case concluded.
Dangerous Food to Eat While Driving: A Guide to Road Safety Distracted driving is quickly becoming one of the leading cause of serious car accidents, and with good reason – distractions can reduce your reaction time, take your attention off the road, and can limit your physical ability to react to dangers up ahead….