Aggressive Drivers: A Major Cause of Deadly Traffic Accidents
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Aggressive Drivers: Danger on West Palm Beach Highways

Aggressive Drivers may lead to car accidents

We’ve all been annoyed by aggressive drivers: the drivers that refuse to yield, follow too closely, make dangerous lane changes, pass on the wrong side, or run red lights as they hurry to get to their destination. But these drivers are more than annoying; they are a major cause of deadly West Palm Beach traffic accidents.

Every year, an average of 27,000 people are killed because of aggressive driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), about 66 percent of all motor vehicle accident deaths are caused by aggressive driving behaviors. Aggressive driving is responsible for four times as many deaths as drunk driving.

Florida Statute 316.1923 defines aggressive driving as committing two or more of the following acts either simultaneously or in succession:

  • Exceeding the posted speed by 15 or more miles per hour
  • Unsafely or improperly changing lanes
  • Following another vehicle too closely
  • Failing to yield the right-of-way
  • Improperly passing
  • Violating traffic control and signal devices

Driving aggressively is a choice. It is not the fault of other drivers or of circumstances; however, certain factors are linked to aggressive driving are:

  • Traffic problems, crowded roads, traffic jams
  • Stress
  • Feeling rushed or running late
  • Delays from road work
  • Sleep deprivation

Aggressive drivers put everyone in danger. Aggressive driving behavior is not the fault of other drivers, but following traffic laws and being courteous can help prevent you from becoming the victim of an aggressive driver:

Aggressive Driving is not the same as “Road Rage”. But, in some circumstances, it can precede or cause road-rage. Road Rage is the criminal assault by one driver or passenger of a motor vehicle on another driver passenger of a motor vehicle. About 200 deaths a year are attributed to road rage.

You can’t change the attitudes of other drivers, but you can follow traffic laws and drive safely.

  • Always merge with plenty of room.
  • Never cut people off.
  • When you are in the left lane, let others pass – even if you are going at the speed limit.
  • Don’t use obscene gestures.
  • Drive defensively.

If you are the victim of a West Palm Beach aggressive driving accident, you need an experienced Florida accident attorney to make sure your rights are protected. In many cases, the aggressive driver’s insurance is responsible for your medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. However, even if the other driver is clearly at fault, the insurance company may try to put the blame on you in order to reduce costs.

Don’t let the insurance cmpany take advantage of you; contact West Palm Beach accident lawyer Craig Goldenfarb.